Taking Flight on Some New Work!
Today I begin work on a project that has me shifting gears and creative focus. Time to put on my work clothes. Surprise it’s a flight suit. I often wear a flight suit to work on my artwork.
Over the years I have gotten a couple flight suits in which to work since working with paint, glue, or anything else I use is often quite messy.
Initially chosen in what I felt was quite an arbitrary way from a thrift store, a flight suit seemed a smarter (definitely more stylish) singular choice instead of wearing a trashed tee shirt, ripped up jeans, and two aprons (since I often back into wet paint or ink). I’ve realized it became a metaphor for the actual physical act of initiating my work or the regular practice of my artwork. Also, little known fact, I wanted to be a pilot. I thought very hard about going into the Airforce. Then I realized that taking regular random orders without questioning them was not a strength for my personality 😉 This was one way to still get a flight suit.
For me to wear my self-defined ‘art uniform’ means to be spiritually and mentally ready to do my artwork. It shifts my mindset and gets me ready as any uniform might get a person ready for a specific kind of job.
Do you have a ‘uniform’ for your art practice or anything else you do? Maybe your creative practice is gardening, landscaping, cooking, building or something else? Please share. I’d love to hear about it.