“Our appreciation of folk art will strengthen our identities, our pride in belonging to a community.”
Art Guardian focuses on the support of traditional and indigenous arts that are in danger of disappearing into history. Art Guardian strives to complete collaborative projects with individual artists or art collectives. Projects and pieces that are completed in other countries will come back to the United States to educate this population about traditional arts practices in the country visited.
Projects will also be completed stateside in an effort to assist refugee and immigrant populations in an attempt to preserve what is in danger of being lost due to emergency evacuation from respective home countries.
Being connected our artistic heritage is important. More complete knowledge of our artistic history and traditions creates a well of inspiration and is a resource for artwork in our present and in our future.
Assist in the perpetuation of traditional arts by supporting artisans who still practice traditional art making and handicraft techniques.
Create and support educational opportunities, presentations and materials for the public that promote deeper understanding of the aesthetics, techniques, and cultural significance of traditional arts.
Promote increased public and private support for the traditional arts and artists.
Create an archival collection of resource information on traditions that is available for future generations.
The goal is to alert to rest of the world to various artistic traditions in danger of disappearing into history.
Traditional Arts: "The folk and traditional arts are rooted in and reflective of the cultural life of a community. Community members may share a common ethnic heritage, cultural mores, language, religion, occupation, or geographic region. These vital and constantly reinvigorated artistic traditions are shaped by values and standards of excellence that are passed from generation to generation, most often within family and community, through demonstration, conversation, and practice." (National Endowment for the Arts)
Indigenous Art: Art that originates or is produced in a specific place or region.