#TheNewSlaveMatrix is a project that focuses on the #prisonindustrialcomplex the profiteering that happens on the backs of #American citizens and it’s overall affect on family.
This project is something that has been kind of rattling around in my spirit for the past couple years. I express gratitude to my family for allowing me to share our story.
The first component of this project is to share phone calls with me, my Mother, and my brother. Though I’m sharing my brother’s first days at the first facility where he was held, Santa Rosa Correctional, this wasn’t our first recorded conversation, it is the most logical starting point.
Please share my brother’s story, our story. It is the story of millions of Americans that goes unheard.
I am in the process of writing a screenplay that discusses how our family has been affected by my brother’s experience with incarceration.
Listen to my brother Darrell’s story