“If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you.
If you try to confront the dragon it will overpower you.
If you ride the dragon, you will take advantage of its might and power.”
Collecting art can be an intimidating process.
Navigating the art world to understand what to buy, knowing how much it should cost can not only be time consuming, but maybe even a little boring until you get to the art that interests and excites you. But the desire to be more culturally developed is always there like a dragon in a dark corner lurking.
But maybe this dragon isn’t scary at all. Maybe it just needs to be understood. Maybe you just need a guide. Maybe, you just need a little help on the journey to learning how to ride a culture dragon.
I think art should be fun. Always. Learning about it, making it, and of course collecting it. That’s the idea of Dragonbox.
People have often approached me and said they don’t know anything about art, least of all collecting it. Let me help. You like art from The Urban Atelier? That’s what you’ll get. I do such a wide variety of work, it will always be something interesting and it will always be a surprise. Right this moment I’m working on a photography project, 2 soft sculptures, and a book. I also sold 2 really great adornment pieces recently.
This is one of my most favorite ideas! It’s a fun way to share art and for someone to collect art. There’s power in collecting art. Let me help you to harness it.